Books Affliate Programs
Although affiliate programs in this industry are rather on the low end of the payout scale, it's enough for those looking to make a few extra bucks a week. Once again, it depends on the company that runs the book affiliate program as to what your earnings will be. The better known it is, the easier it will be to make a sale.
These are the best books affiliate programs I was able to find online. I have looked over their terms and conditions and the rules seem to be straight forward. Have a look around and see if there's something of interest to you.
Make a 5% commission on all sales generated by your referred visitors to the site (applies to shipped orders only).
The base tier for this affiliate program is 3%; affiliates whose number of orders exceeds 25 in a month will be paid a 4% commission. sells new and used books. When a visitor clicks an Alibris link on your website and makes a purchase at Alibris, you earn a 7.5% commission. If you refer 'net sales' to Alibris that equal or exceed $25,000 in any given month, you will receive another 1.5% commission on total 'net sales' for that period.
The only available books are those that are going out of print. While your visitors may not find the latest best-sellers, they will be able to find the all-time favorites. The affiliate payouts range from 10%-20%.
As a BookMateStore affiliate, you make their entire line of exceptional and innovative products immediately available to your visitors and readers and make 8% commission on sales generated by your referred visitors. Also, earn 2% on your second tier. sells Chinese Children Books, Videos, Music, and Software that help Children (and others) learn more about the Chinese Language and Culture in English and Mandarin. Earn up to 15% on sales, depending on the sales volume.
Currently, offers up to 300 categories of books covering all interests and dates back to the late 1700's. Commission on all sales is 12.5%.
Offers books, CD-ROMs, and other resources of interest to history buffs, genealogists, re-enactors and others exploring their heritage and/or ethnic origins. Free newsletters and book drawings for subscribers. Pays 20% per sale.
Earn 7.5% of the purchase prise, regardless of what's been bought - any title or merchandise.